Enjoying the Moment

ocean with sunset on it.
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By now I believe most of the world is sitting at home taking this quarantine time to relax and reflect.

It has been a week since we were asked to stay inside and so far it has been great! We are doing great and are in good spirits. I spend more time with the children and am able to take this time to advance skills, read, watch movies, play and do school work with the kids, and of course write.

Now more than ever is a time to get those creative wheels in motion. It is also a good time to journal your accomplishments and desires.

Some of my friends have taken this time to start businesses or get back into that hobby they put a side for so long. Although we do not know when the time will be lifted, I can only pray that everyone does their part in keeping themselves and the world safe.

If you know an elder or disabled that can use help at this time, try and do so if you are able. They may not have the capabilities or access as we do. Encourage a friend via email or have phone conversations. Whatever you decide to do, enjoy this moment.

What are some things you are doing with this time?

About Aliefwrites

Alison enjoys writing about topics that can inspire and help others in their journey of becoming a writer or blogger. She is a proofreader, writer, and handles website maintenance. She loves creating unique party favors and is in the process of writing her sci-fi trilogy The Elements.
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